About Me

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I am married to Steve for 32 years this year. He is definitely my true sole mate. We have a son, Rod, and Rod has a beautiful daughter Georgia, who is my sweetheart. Georgia is five and is in a foreign language institute (FLY) program at her school. The class is is taught in spanish only. She is doing very well and we are all so very proud of her. I seem to be a quilting dreamer these days. So many of life's tasks are keeping me away from my sewing machine. I have at least 4 unfinished quilts that are constantly tugging at me. This is the of the finished quilts.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Feeling Better!

Being sick was not in my plans during September, but I made it to being well again. Doc said I did not have pneunomia, but acute bronchitis. He gave me a pneunomia shot and said chest xray was good and my lungs sounded clear.

I attended my nephews wedding last weekend and had a great time and this weekend I am in Pismo Beach with my girl friends for a quilting retreat. We had fish and chips for dinner and did a little sewing and we are off to bed to rest for a big sewing day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Barbara Sindlinger said...

Yes, then fish and chips for dinner again the next day after a hard day of sewing.

Thanks for being the best roomie!