Last weekend I was able to piece together my Material Girl Signature Blocks. I also pinned my finished top to the batting and the backing. Now I am ready to quilt. I would like to have this done before next weekend so I can finish the binding. I also finished two baby quilts for two new family babies in Texas, my husband's family. We are planning a visit to see them soon.
I haven't posted over this last week because I was having problems with my password. Today I decided to try again and the password I used last worked. The real problem is me. I cannot for the life of me remember what password I used. I know that it is 9 characters long. I need to change it, but cannot, because I am required to verify the old password in order to establish a new password. What to do? I will have to e-mail Google to ask for my password. A dear friend of mine advised me to always write down on paper a password for this very reason. Barbara is so right about this.
About Me
- Kathy
- I am married to Steve for 32 years this year. He is definitely my true sole mate. We have a son, Rod, and Rod has a beautiful daughter Georgia, who is my sweetheart. Georgia is five and is in a foreign language institute (FLY) program at her school. The class is is taught in spanish only. She is doing very well and we are all so very proud of her. I seem to be a quilting dreamer these days. So many of life's tasks are keeping me away from my sewing machine. I have at least 4 unfinished quilts that are constantly tugging at me. This is the of the finished quilts.
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