About Me

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I am married to Steve for 32 years this year. He is definitely my true sole mate. We have a son, Rod, and Rod has a beautiful daughter Georgia, who is my sweetheart. Georgia is five and is in a foreign language institute (FLY) program at her school. The class is is taught in spanish only. She is doing very well and we are all so very proud of her. I seem to be a quilting dreamer these days. So many of life's tasks are keeping me away from my sewing machine. I have at least 4 unfinished quilts that are constantly tugging at me. This is the of the finished quilts.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vintage Ruffled Sheet Quilt with sleeping Georgia

Here is Georgia asleep under her 5th Birthday quilt.  She says it feels so very comfy.  It is a little big for her youth bed, but when she takes it home it will fit perfectly on her new twin bed with a pink head board.

Right now this quilt and four others: Gramercy Park, Posh, Flip Flop, and Halloween, are at the Kings County Fair Grounds getting judged for the fair competition.  Georgia helped me deliver these quilts to the Home Arts Building and even pinned the name cards to each quilt.  So come on out to the Kings County Fair to see these quilts up close and in person.

The Posh Chez Moi quilt was returned to me from my long arm quilter, Bobbie Jones of Nipomo,  earlier this month and I rushed to finish the binding and label. I finished sewing on the label the same morning I was to take to the Fair Grounds and ran out of time to take a picture,  but will post one as soon as I can.

Another picture of my Georgia.  I made this little dress with my serger and even embroidered a little heart motif on the front.  She picked the fabric and  was very specific about the green being the skirt and purple in the yoke and trim.


Here is my sweet Georgia wearing her birthday dress I made for her, the scooter that Judy and Nat gave her, and her new Skechers tennis shoes that her Great Aunt Judith gave her.  She loves these three gifts the most she said.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Busy Life!

Life has been very busy here at the Morrison's home and business. My hubby Steve is now the a district leader in the Elks world, that is The Benevolent Order of Elks. He accepted a District Chairmanship and we have been traveling with the District Vice President visiting all of the lodges in the East Central District. The State convention was the last week in May and the National convention is the second week in July. The Bylaws dictate that the VP and his Chairman visit each lodge between those two conventions. We have been to 9 of the lodges so far and have 6 more to visit in the next two weeks. Each lodge visited we have hordorves, cocktails and dinner. Some weeks we visit three or two lodges. I can't remember he last time I prepared a dinner meal, cause we always come home with leftovers.

So far it has been more fun than I anticipated, but I sure have lost a lot of home time going on these visits.

I have several quilt pictures to post, as well as garden pictures. Maybe there will time this next week.

Today was my Birthday and I received many good wishes. My Granddaughter, Georgia just called to sing Happy Birthday to me. She is visiting her other Grandmother, so I won't see her until late next week.

Thank you for visiting my blog!